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2021 Event Schedule

the event schedule includes all events for the upcoming year every disember a new schedule is made for the next year feel free to ask administration any question you may have for specific events we hope the schedule helps you plan ahead for participation if you cant make it watching any even live on our social media is always a option
Event Box 1 hh combat and more.png
Jan 30th
HammerHead Combat.
time for some fun. aiming to take on as many ships at ones with a HH and escort if you want to fly along
Event Box 4 the ground race.png
Apr 24th
Ground Race.
a 67click race from shubin mining facility SCD-1 to eager flats emergency shelter using only PTVs
first in the shelter gets
500K aUEC
Event Box 2 mining.png
Feb 27th
Mining. all participants will be given a prospector the member with the most income at the end of 2H is the winner and gets a
500K aUEC prize 
Event Box 5 do it first.png
May 29th
Do it first. 
test squadron wants to ram auroras into a star so we will ram them into everything
Event Box 3 doul me bro.png
Mar 27th
Duel me, bro. 
going to a daimar astroid crater and dueling it out in Roc mining rovers sounds fun to me.
Event Box 6 fps combat.png
Jun 26th
Fps Combat. 
a fun night of playing ground wars with each other moltipol gols will
be given for prizes.
exsampel kill 30 enemies in the first Round for 100K
Event Box 7 waiking the monster.png
Jul 31th
Waking the monster.
capital ships are here let's go blow some stuff up with them and see how much trouble we can get into.
Event Box 8 flight show.png
Aug 28th
Flight show. 
will you join your squadron and take to the sky in this flight show practice dates will be organized in the month before the event
Event Box 9 cave mining.png
Sep 25th
Cave Mining. time to take to the caves. rules the member with the most profit after 2H wins the event. you can't die during the event. glitches don't caunt.
The time events take place will be published 1 to 3 days before the event takes place the dates events are planed in on are subject to change based on the state of the game
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